Inspiring and enabling
worship leaders
in the local church

Hi, I’m Constance.
I like to think of those of us who have responsibilities for planning and leading worship as “worship architects.”
I am called to equip present and future generations of worship architects. I do this through conference speaking, teaching in various academic settings, webinars, writing books and articles, and producing a variety of worship resources of all types.
Constance has published six books as engaging and challenging resources for worship leaders. Several books have been published in a variety of languages to serve the church around the world.

From keynote addresses to team training sessions, Constance loves the chance to engage audiences large and small on how to become better worship architects. She has had the pleasure to lecture and train worship leaders in many countries.
A prolific writer and a great communicator, Dr Constance Cherry provides fresh and compelling ways to rethink corporate worship through her books and lectures. Effectively negotiating the balance between theory and practice, Dr Cherry suggests practical solutions for designing meaningful worship services that enable the gathered community to be renewed in worship.
I had the privilege of being her student in the doctoral program at The Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies. Dr Cherry‘s wise counsel as a theologian, pastor, musician, professor and practitioner challenged me to redefine my role as a worship pastor to that of a pastoral musician and worship architect. I was greatly challenged to evaluate the way worship songs are selected for the congregation to be formed in God’s ways. Dr Cherry also guided me through the process of leading the worship leaders at my church to select songs for worship that facilitates meaningful conversations with God.
Dr Cherry’s love for God, the church, coupled with a vision for authentic worship, is apparent through her teachings. I am blessed to be able to call her my professor, mentor, and friend.
With a doctorate in worship and a master’s in music, along with a solid commitment to the health of local churches and years of unmatched experiences in the scene, Constance Cherry is uniquely qualified to offer both theological and practical training for worship for the body of Christ. Not only does Constance raise devoted worshipers worldwide through her highly rated and remarkably insightful work, The Worship Architect, but she is constantly building up worshiping communities around the world by equipping leaders. In a world where there is a growing concern for a lack of biblically sound worship theology, Constance offers much-needed illumination into this subject and helps navigate through the conversation. Constance has a sincere love for Christ and His bride, and this is shown in all her ministry involvement and relationships. Christians desiring to honor God with depth and passion will delightfully benefit from all that she has to share.
I want to let you know of the profound impact your book has had on me, and as a result, the impact it is having on my students in the Bible college where I teach and on the worship and creative arts team that I serve with at Hillsong Church. Your theoretical and practical insights have enhanced the way I view what I have been doing in music ministry for over 20 years. Your book, The Worship Architect, is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in leading, planning, facilitating, or training others for worship music ministry. The architectural metaphor you employ throughout the text provides brilliant imagery that contributes to a rich understanding of worship from biblical and historical perspectives.
From the other side of the Atlantic, Dr. Constance Cherry was able to create a dynamic learning environment with our Theology, Music and Worship degree students at London School of Theology. She served up a virtual feast of lecture content and discussion on planning and leading worship which, even months later, students are still dialoguing about and putting into practice. I strongly recommend Dr. Cherry for any conferences, lectures or other events that you may be planning.
Serving in a pastoral role in charge of all aspects of worship, I highly recommend Selecting Worship Songs. This book can help the worship leader/worship team and the pastor develop unity and cohesion in their services.
God is amazing in using you in worship teaching. Thank you for your uplifting sharing, encouragement and prayer. The students are so blessed. You have aroused their interest in learning. They couldn’t stop asking me questions after your sharing.
I just finished reading The Worship Architect and what a book! The author, remarkably and with an exciting methodology and style, pushes the reader to reflect on their practice of worship. She does not hesitate to ask basic questions so often not addressed in our churches: what is the basis for this or that practice? What justifies such a practice? What are the consequences of these practices? What are the foundations? This is a MUST-READ for anyone involved in organizing worship.
My students in the “Music in Worship” course absolutely love The Worship Architect. This past Friday several of them complained, saying they were disappointed to not have a reading assignment this weekend from your book! I couldn’t be more pleased with what is happening in our classroom thanks to your wonderful book.
I recently had the great privilege of attending a full-day seminar with Dr. Constance Cherry at Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY. Her words were equally inspiring and challenging as we all took a thoughtful look at what real Christian worship is all about. Our entire pastoral team was in attendance and, in light of what we learned that day, we continue to have rich dialogue and make appropriate changes in our worship services. For anyone who is seeking a greater understanding of practical worship planning, I highly recommend Dr. Cherry and her work as a writer and conference speaker.
It is not too often that I feel the need to reach out to an author of a book. However, after reading The Worship Architect as a text for my Worship Leadership class at Asbury Seminary, I wanted to let you know how great I thought that it was. I am not in pastoral ministry at the moment, but when I have my first appointment I will make sure that the people I am working with have the chance to read your book.
Countless worshipers have been tremendously impacted by Constance Cherry’s sincere heart and robust theology for worship. I, along with numerous others in Korea, benefited enormously by her ministry, and the fruit of her Kingdom service has been visible internationally. Not only does Constance Cherry’s affection for the Lord deeply move people, but also her love for the local body of Christ inspires all who come to see her genuine passion for our Triune God. Constance’s teachings further strengthen theological foundations of worship ministry. Edification of worshipers’ mind then stirs worshiper’s souls to adore Christ all the more. Constance Cherry’s sound and scholarly teaching, as well as gentle yet powerful practical guidance in ministry, will transform the dynamics of your worship.
My congregation was a part of the Church Alive program sponsored by the American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky during the early 2000s. About 20 people from my congregation attended your workshop on worship. We’ve never been the same! Your workshop began a slow evolution in our understanding and practice of worship that, I hope, has brought greater glory to God. Thanks!
Dr. Constance Cherry led our campus-wide Pulse on Wednesday morning. If you attended, you know that her intellect challenges you to think, her spirit communicates a pastoral heart, and her warmth invites you in.
Constance Cherry brings a pastor’s heart, a scholar’s mind, a musician’s skills, a worship designer’s eye, an educator’s passion, a theologian’s depth, and a servant’s humility to her work as a teacher, conference leader, preacher, and worship architect. At the Conference for Church Musicians (Green Lake, WI), Constance’s workshops opened the eyes of participants to the intricacies and power of planning authentic, biblically-founded, and theologically deep worship. Her preaching inspired their minds and hearts with a fuller understanding of God’s story as it connects to our personal lives, along with the richness of God’s presence encountered in worship. With informative teaching, practical application, and an encouraging spirit, Constance empowered the conferees to be purposeful and thoughtful in their approach to planning worship in their own church settings.
The Worship Architect is one of the most deeply formational books in my life and I use the knowledge and theology I gained in that book every single week in planning worship. . .